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Industrial porcelain products are made in the areas near Arita and Imari. Saga has a food industry, accounting for one-third of the cost of industrial production in Saga Prefecture there are also textile, woodworking, and glass and ceramics industries. The area has truck farming, and there is coastal fishing and marine trade. There are tea plantations in the vicinity of Ureshino. Other crops are barley, wheat, and millet mandarins (harvest of 193,000 tons), mulberry, pears, and plums are grown on the mountain slopes. In Saga, 80,000 hectares are under cultivation, of which more than one-half is sown with rice the rice harvest was 244,000 tons in 1972. The prefecture is part of the Kitakyushu economic region. Population, 826,000 (1973), more than 50 percent of which is urban. Schach, Icelandic Sagas (1984).Ī prefecture in Japan, in the northwestern part of the island of Kyushu. Einarsson, A History of Icelandic Literature (1957) P. See The Sagas of the Icelanders (2000) for a selection of the sagas. An optimistic nationalist and liberal in his youth, he later became melancholy and conservative and was subject to periods of Tegnér was the most popular of the Swedish romantic poets. Hollander, 1964) the Laxdœla, translated in Earthly Paradise by William Morris the Grettla, translated by the same author the Frithjof, translated by Esaias Tegnér Tegnér, Esaias Click the link for more information. (tr.

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, 1178–1241, Icelandic chieftain, historian, critic, and saga teller, the leading figure in medieval Norse literature. Among other noted sagas are the Heimskringla of Snorri Sturluson Snorri Sturluson or Sturleson The historical approach is felt in the careful selection of events and the great emphasis on cause and effect. Historical accuracy was often a major aim of the saga, although reworking, interjection of the supernatural, and other changes caused distortion. In all these the epic element is strong, and the milieu of a heroic society is made vivid. Palsson, 1960), and the mythical heroic sagas (e.g., Völsungasaga, tr. The greatest attention has been given to the history sagas (e.g., Sturlungasaga), the family sagas (e.g., Njála, tr. Scholars disagree as to the extent to which written versions borrowed from earlier oral compositions. Sagas were composed from about the early 11th to the mid-14th cent. Sagas may be divided into sagas of the kings, mainly of early Norwegian rulers Icelandic sagas, both biographical and historical contemporary sagas, which were also Icelandic and were written about living persons legendary sagas of the distant past and sagas that were translations of foreign romances. Click the link for more information., especially Icelandic and Norwegian, narrative in prose or verse, centering on a legendary or historical figure or family. The Norwegians who settled Iceland late in the 9th cent. It survives mainly in Icelandic writings, for little medieval vernacular literature remains from Norway, Sweden, or Denmark.

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The literature of the Northmen, or Norsemen, c.850–c.1350. Saga, in Old Norse literature Old Norse literature, 877,865), 946 sq mi (2,450 sq km), is known for its advanced techniques in growing rice and oranges, as well as for its dairy farming and cattle raising. A castle town in feudal times, Saga was the center of a rebellion in 1874. Cotton textiles and ceramics are produced in the city. It is a railroad and coal-distribution center. 169,963), capital of Saga prefecture, W Kyushu, Japan.

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